(01757) 841069
Community Groups and Organisations
Riccall Village Institute, Station Rd for bookings please ring Mrs K Keen 01757 249403
Riccall Community Library - held at Riccall Institute Mondays(except Bank Hols) 10.00-12.30 Tuesdays 2.00-6.00
Riccall Community Primary School
Space Base - Out of School Club
Riccall Utd Junior Football Club
Riccall Methodist Church -
Riccall Neighbourhood Watch - see the mini-site within this web site
Riccall & District Community Archive - is a volunteer run community group established in 2002, based at Riccall Regen Centre and supported by Riccall Parish Council. The group mounts displays, makes presentations to groups and schools and has a unique database of the 1906 Riccall Poor Law Survey; digitised local family histories and a small lending library of local history material. A computerised store of pictures, maps, documents and verbal records on the history and events in Riccall and District from 1700 is being developed. You can visit the Archive on its monthly open day or by appointment. New volunteers and donated or loaned material are always welcome. Contact Paddy on (01757) 249201 or Katy on (01757) 248813 riccallarchive02@btinternet.com
Local Businesses
South Newlands Farm B&B accomodation
Burro - Italian restaurant, the Old Mill, Landing Lane, Riccall.(01757) 249146
Hare & Hounds Public House, Silver Street, Tel (01757) 248255
Riccall Post Office, Main St, Tel (01757) 248243
Nisa, Main St, Tel (01757) 248231
Local Interest
Cycle the Solar System along the York - Selby cycle path
Useful Contacts
Police - 0845 60 60 247
Riccall Doctors SurgeryTel: (01757) 703933
Riccall Lands Charity - Tel: (01757) 249403. Field gardens are available - contact Brian Keen.
Riccall Tennis Club - Tel: 07740 710760 Andrew Dunning
St Leonards Hospice- Riccall Support Group - contact Brian or Karen Keen on (01757) 249403
Riccall Badminton Club - contact Keith or Lynn (01757 249549
Riccall Bowling Club - www.riccallbowls.co.uk Tel: 0750 640 5818 Richard Scott
Riccall Ladies Guild - Tel: (01757) 248475 Sandra Silvers
Rev. Graham Horner (01757) 706288
Riccall Archive Group - Tel: (01757) 249201 Paddy Hodgkiss
Riccall Tot Stop - Toddler group - Tel: (07872 014017) Sarah Wilman
Riccall Scout Groups - Geoff Kirk e-mail: riccallscouts@gmail.com
Riccall Sportsfield Association - Tel: (01757) 700251 Jane Simpson
Riccall Brownies- Tel: (01757) 701881 Sharon or Email: riccallbrownies@yahoo.co.uk
Riccall and District Resilience Group 0747 309 3994 -please leave a message
Riccall Educational Foundation
A trust exists in Riccall that awards grants to young people in education. Pupils between the ages of 11 and 19 in state schools and colleges (including 6th form) can apply. This trust is not operated by Riccall Parish Council but one trusttee is nominated by the Council. In the past grants have been available towards educational trips, specialist equipment or specialist books. Click here for an application form.
Riccall Parish Council Community Grants
Riccall Parish Council has a limited amount of funding available for Riccall
Community Groups to apply for. In an effort to support its community
groups, the Parish Council would like to encourage applications for small
grants, up to a maximum of £400. You will need to clearly demonstrate
why you need the funding and complete an application form. Guidance notes and an application form are attached. Application closing dates will be advertised in the Riccall Beacon.
Please contact Sandra Botham for more details and application forms, which can be emailed to you (01757) 249222 or email clerk@riccallparishcouncil.org.uk