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IDAS - Stalking Awareness Week
IDAS - Stalking Awareness Week
Riccall Parish
Our latest newsletter highlights National Stalking Awareness Week and the webinar being run by our Barnsley team at 10 am tomorrow (21st April) morning. We have also provided a summary of the progress of the DA Bill. We are planning a series of webinars to look at the Bill in more depth and examine what it means for both policy and practice. Please do click on the link to sign up to the webinar on Stalking and Harassment. Dates for our DA Bill webinars will be released in our next newsletter.
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Take a look at the newsletter on the link below and please do subscribe to ensure that you are updated with the latest news from IDAS.
We would be grateful for your support sharing our social media posts about Stalking. It is a misunderstood crime with people misinterpreting perpetrator’s behaviours as romantic or dismissing victims concerns. In 75% of cases where a woman was murdered stalking had been reported in the 12 months prior to their death. This rises to 85% where the woman was killed by an intimate partner.
Please do use the resources that we have provided in our shared folder for your own social media feeds to raise awareness of stalking and please do tag us in your posts.
Finally, we would be very grateful for your support and participation in our main fundraiser, the IDAS Big Yorkshire Tour. The virtual event has been designed to include everyone, you set the distance and the way that you want to cover it and take part throughout the month of July. You can be as creative as you like, the more fun the better. Last year teams took part on space hoppers, on hang gliders and on kayaks, as well as those who clocked up the miles on dog walks, running or cycling the distance. Sign up today!
Many thanks for your continued support.
39, Blossom Street, York, YO24 1AQ
Helpline: 03000 110 110 Website: idas.org.uk